Transforming Public Education for Our Children

Futuro San Antonio is a coalition of education professionals, families, and advocates dedicated to ensuring every child in San Antonio has equitable access to high-quality public schools.

Our Objectives

Build Community Power

Organize grassroots, activate civic leadership & increase voter engagement around equitable access to great public education

Improve Education Policy

Achieve better policies so every student can access great public schools that meet their unique needs

Elect Education Champions

Cultivate and elect bold, education champions who ground decision-making on better outcomes for students and families


Too many zip codes lack equitable access to high-quality public schools, limiting opportunities for underserved communities. Our vision for San Antonio’s futuro (future) is to lead as a model of world-class education for all. Together, we aspire to build a collaborative ecosystem, shaped by the voices of students and families, to achieve community-wide prosperity and transform education.


We are a coalition of education advocates dedicated to ensuring all San Antonio children have access to an excellent public education and greater prosperity for their futuro (future). By harnessing the power of community, we will promote civic engagement, invest in leadership capacity, and organize a grassroots movement.

Polling Education in San Antonio

We asked San Antonio voters about education as a priority.

Logo for Futuro-SA

Futuro’s primary focus is ensuring every San Antonio child has equitable access to high-quality public schools. Our core principles serve as a guiding framework to resolve the K-12 public education system’s opportunity gaps and expand access for all students.

Take Action Today To Build A Better Tomorrow

San Antonio Data

San Antonio is one of the largest poorest cities in the United States. Numerous studies show that education attainment impacts an individual’s economic growth and development. The following is a snapshot of San Antonio’s state of education, including key economic factors.
Population in San Antonio
Median Income
$ 0
Poverty Rate in San Antonio
0 %

Education Statistics

of San Antonio’s 3rd-8th graders are performing on grade level in reading and math
0 %
Out of 10 city council districts are below state and city average in math
Students attending either a public charter or district innovation school
0 %
Graduation Rate of students in San Antonio with a Bachelor’s degree or higher
0 %